LineRunner DSL (2) LineRunner SCADA NG (2)
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LineRunner SCADA NG is supplied in a tough plastic housing. It can fit on top hat rails – but also be used as a desktop unit.
Using the LineRunner SCADA MF3 assembly kit, you can accommodate up to four SCADA NGs in a single subrack (3 U, 84 TE) in your main station.
For ease of access by operating personnel, LineRunner SCADA NG’s interfaces and display elements are located at the front. Due to the low supply voltage and power consumption, the SCADA system can also be operated on solar plants. In addition to the user interface, the LineRunner SCADA NG also has two line interfaces. It also operates as a regenerator and media converter.
LineRunner SCADA NG RFS/RPS transforms input voltage to output voltage of another magnitude.
LineRunner SCADA NG RFS transforms low input voltage to remote supply voltage, typical for DSL data transmission. Alternatively it can also generate wetting current that is transmitted via copper wires and protects them from corrosion.
LineRunner SCADA NG RPS transforms remote supply voltage, typically used for DSL data transmission, into input voltage typical for transmission technology units.
It can also change locally available high voltage to an input voltage typical for transmission technology units.
A characteristic application is supplying a remote LineRunner SCADA NG in a SCADA network via the copper pair, used for data transmission, with the operating voltage as well.
Является абонентским настольным модемом SHDSL TDM c гибким набором пользовательских интерфейсов.
Является модемом SHDSL TDM c гибким набором пользовательских интерфейсов для установки на стороне оператора.