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Redundancy Panel: redundancy IOA, which is coupled with the redundant COCX/STMX-F0 line module in redundant configurations. When using a redundancy midplane, the redundant/spare COCX/STMX-F0 line module does not require active connections on its correspon


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Redundancy Panel: redundancy IOA, which is coupled with the redundant COCX/STMX-F0 line module in redundant configurations. When using a redundancy midplane, the redundant/spare COCX/STMX-F0 line module does not require active connections on its corresponding IOA. Therefore, a redundancy IOA is coupled with the redundant COCX/STMX-F0 line module instead of an active IOA. Works with ERX-COCX-2-1-RMD and ERX-COCX-5-1-RMD redundancy midplanes. Requires JUNOSe 4.0 software or later.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно Redundancy Panel: redundancy IOA, which is coupled with the redundant COCX/STMX-F0 line module in redundant configurations. When using a redundancy midplane, the redundant/spare COCX/STMX-F0 line module does not require active connections on its correspon *

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