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Optional software license to enable Subscriber Access support for up to 96,000 simultaneous active IP, LAC, and bridged interfaces. Requires JUNOSe 7.3.0 or higher for interface scaling support of PPP, PPPoE terminated interfaces as well as LAC interfaces

Артикул:  SW-SA96

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Optional software license to enable Subscriber Access support for up to 96,000 simultaneous active IP, LAC, and bridged interfaces. Requires JUNOSe 7.3.0 or higher for interface scaling support of PPP, PPPoE terminated interfaces as well as LAC interfaces and JUNOSe 8.0.0 for static IP/VLAN interfaces. Additionally, SRP320 is required to support interface scaling above 64,000. Refer t

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно Optional software license to enable Subscriber Access support for up to 96,000 simultaneous active IP, LAC, and bridged interfaces. Requires JUNOSe 7.3.0 or higher for interface scaling support of PPP, PPPoE terminated interfaces as well as LAC interfaces *

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