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Sun Microsystems — американская компания, производитель программного и аппаратного обеспечения, основана в 1982 году, в период с апреля 2009 года по январь 2010 года была поглощена корпорацией Oracle. Штаб-квартира компании располагалась в Санта-Кларе, Калифорния, в Силиконовой долине.


Являлась одним из крупнейших производителей серверов и рабочих станций на базе RISC-процессоров SPARC собственной разработки, серверов стандартной х86-архитектуры на базе микропроцессоров Opteron (AMD) и микропроцессоров Xeon (Intel); известна как разработчик таких технологий как NFS и Java, а также поддерживала программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом, в частности OpenSolaris, OpenOffice.org и MySQL. Также в продуктовом портфеле компании были системы хранения и программное обеспечение (операционная система Solaris и средства разработки). Производственные мощности компании располагались в городе Хиллсборо (англ. Hillsboro), штат Орегон и Линлитгоу (англ. Linlithgow), Шотландия.

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Remanufactured Sun Fire T2000 Server, 8 core 1.0GHz UltraSPARC T1 processor, 8GB DDR2 memory (16 * 512MB DIMMs), 2 * 73GB 2.5" 10K rpm SAS hard disk drives, 1 DVD-RO/CD-RW slimline drive, 2 (N+1) power supplies, 4 10/100/1000 ethernet ports, 1 serial port
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Remanufactured Sun Fire T2000 Server, 8 core 1.0GHz UltraSPARC T1 processor, 16GB DDR2 memory (16 * 1GB DIMMs), 2 * 73GB 2.5" 10K rpm SAS hard disk drives, 1 DVD-RO/CD-RW slimline drive, 2 (N+1) power supplies, 4 10/100/1000 ethernet ports, 1 serial port,
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Remanufactured Sun Fire T2000 Server, 8 core 1.2GHz UltraSPARC T1 processor, 16GB DDR2 memory (16 * 1GB DIMMs), 2 * 73GB 2.5" 10K rpm SAS hard disk drives, 1 DVD-RO/CD-RW slimline drive, 2 (N+1) power supplies, 4 10/100/1000 ethernet ports, 1 serial port,
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Remanufactured Sun Fire T2000 Server, 8 core 1.2GHz UltraSPARC T1 processor, 32GB DDR2 memory (16 * 2GB DIMMs), 2 * 73GB 2.5" 10K rpm SAS hard disk drives, 1 DVD-RO/CD-RW slimline drive, 2 (N+1) power supplies, 4 10/100/1000 ethernet ports, 1 serial port,
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Remanufactured Sun StorEdge(TM) 3320 SCSI Array Rack Ready RAID Chassis, no drives, no power supplies; (RoHS-5; For SE3320 FAMILY factory configuration only). Standard Warranty.
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Sun StorageTek 19" Global Rack houses the ST9985 unit which includes Logic, Power Suppy Box, SVP(ServiceProcessor), the initial Disk Chassis or HDD Box, and the Optional Disk Chassis or HDD Box. This 19" Global Rack provides 42U (1U = 1.75-inches) of usea
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Sun StorageTek 19" Global Rack houses the ST9985 unit which includes Logic, Power Suppy Box, SVP(Service Processor), the initial Disk Chassis or HDD Box, and the Optional Disk Chassis or HDD Box. This 19" Global Rack provides 42U (1U=1.75-inches) of useab
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Sun StorageTek 19" Global Rack houses the ST9985 unit which includes Logic, Power Suppy Box, SVP(Service Processor), the initial Disk Chassis or HDD Box, and the Optional Disk Chassis or HDD Box. This 19" Global Rack provides 42U (1U = 1.75-inches) of use
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Sun StorageTek (TM) 9990 Integrated Disk Controller and Disk Array Frame Unit with doors, factory-configured, supports RAID 5/RAID 1 configurations, contains up to 128 hard disk drives; Frame dimensions: Height:1860mm, Width: 782mm, Depth:925mm, 4*3.3V/12
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9985 Excor Cable to attach second rack to first cabinet. RoHS-5 compliant. , EOSL for this part is 7/4/2013.
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9985 DskCntlr Frame with a Logic/PS Box & the SVP(NOCElaptop); Cache/Shared Mem Pkg:2 slots Mix Adptr. Includes 16-port FED, 8-port BED:2 slots factory config, supports RAID5/ RAID6/RAID1, Up to 120 HDDs,1* Modem Card for Remote Maint;
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Sun StorageTek (TM) 9990 Power Cable Kit; for three Phase 30 Amp AC 200V/50Hz installations; 1 * power cable unit; (required when a three phase ST9990 integrated disk controller and array frame unit (DKC510I) and/or disk array frame unit (DKU505I) is ship
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9990 Power Cable Kit; for three Phase 30 Amp AC 200V/60Hz installations; 1 * power cable unit; (required when a three phase ST9990 integrated disk controller and array frame unit (DKC510I) and/or disk array frame unit (DKU505I) is shipp
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9990/9985 Fibre Channel 16-Port Front End Director for Short Wavelength; 2 * 8 port channel adapter printed circuit boards with LC type optical connectors, 1-2Gbps Auto-sensing; All 16 fibre channel ports come standard populated with ST
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9900 FICON 1Gb/sec frontend director (channel adapter);This option is a channel adapter consisting of 16 1-2Gbps mainframe fibre channel ports conforming to the long wavelength (single mode). The option is composed of the two channel ad
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9900 FICON 1Gb/sec frontend director (channel adapter);This option is a channel adapter consisting of 16 1-2Gbps mainframe fibre channel ports conforming to the short wavelength (multi-mode). The option is composed of the two channel ad
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9990 ESCON (Serial) 16-Port Front End Director; 2 * 8 port channel adapter printed circuit boards each equipped with 8 serial ports; for the ST9990 integrated disk controller and array frame unit (DKC510I)).. , EOSL for this part is 7/4
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9990 Power Cable Kit; for single phase 50 Amp AC 200V/50Hz installations; 1 * power cable unit; (required when a three phase ST9990 integrated disk controller and array frame unit (DKC510I) and/or disk array frame unit (DKU505I) are shi
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9990 AC Power Supply Box Kit; for single phase/200V 50 Amp installations; 2 * AC power supply distribution boxes; (one required per Sun StorageTekTM) 9990 integrated disk controller and array frame unit (DKC510I) and/or disk array frame
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Sun StorageTek(TM) 9990 Power Cable Kit; for single Phase 50 Amp AC 200V/60Hz installations; 1 * power cable unit; (required when a three phase ST9990 integrated disk controller and array frame unit (DKC510I) and/or disk array frame unit (DKU505I) are shi
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