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Sun Microsystems — американская компания, производитель программного и аппаратного обеспечения, основана в 1982 году, в период с апреля 2009 года по январь 2010 года была поглощена корпорацией Oracle. Штаб-квартира компании располагалась в Санта-Кларе, Калифорния, в Силиконовой долине.


Являлась одним из крупнейших производителей серверов и рабочих станций на базе RISC-процессоров SPARC собственной разработки, серверов стандартной х86-архитектуры на базе микропроцессоров Opteron (AMD) и микропроцессоров Xeon (Intel); известна как разработчик таких технологий как NFS и Java, а также поддерживала программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом, в частности OpenSolaris, OpenOffice.org и MySQL. Также в продуктовом портфеле компании были системы хранения и программное обеспечение (операционная система Solaris и средства разработки). Производственные мощности компании располагались в городе Хиллсборо (англ. Hillsboro), штат Орегон и Линлитгоу (англ. Linlithgow), Шотландия.

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This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: PLAT-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 1 year of 7x24 hardware only support w
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: PLAT-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 2 years of 7x24 hardware only support
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: PLAT-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 3 years of 7x24 hardware only support
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-7X24-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four-core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to Gold Support + 7X24 On-Site Suppo
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-7X24-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four-core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 1 year of 7x24 hardware only suppo
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-7X24-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four-core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to Gold Support + 7X24 On-Site Suppo
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-7X24-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four-core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 2 years of 7x24 hardware only supp
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-7X24-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four-core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to Gold Support + 7X24 On-Site Suppo
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-7X24-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four-core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 3 years of 7x24 hardware only supp
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 2 years of Gold Support.
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: PLAT-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 2 years of Platinum Support.
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: SLVR-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 2 years of Silver Support.
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: GOLD-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 3 years of Gold Support.
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: PLAT-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 3 years of Platinum Support.
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: SLVR-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers Upgrade to 3 years of Silver Support.
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: TTR-4-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 1 Year of 4 hour Time-to-Repair supp
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: TTR-6-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 1 Year of 6 hour Time-to-Repair supp
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: TTR-8-SYS-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 1 Year of 8 hour Time-to-Repair supp
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item: SLVR-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 1 year of Same Day hardware only suppo
Available to order
This part number corresponds to the following 11i Service item:. SLVR-HW-SVC. Sun SPARC Enterprise Server SPARC64 VI dual-and four- core processor 2-way System Board for SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 servers upgrade to 2 years of Same Day hardware only sup
Available to order

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