E1 8 PORT FA 120/75 COAX DIST. PNL The Front Access Bal/Unbal BNC Distribution Panel provides 8 external BNC interfaces to the 120 ohm E1 ports of an E1 card. It may be used with any of the following cards: 90-4671-x2 (E1 CR), 90-2541-x2 (E1 UFR), 90-2544-x2 (E1 CFR), 90-2517-x2 (E1 CE), 90-6351-x2 (E1 CR), 90-7277-x5 (16 port E1 FR), 90-9729-x1 (16 port VoP), 90-9169-01 (32 Port MS), or 90-9730-01 (32 port VoP). A D78 cable connects the line card to the panel which provides a BNC connector for each port Tx and one for each port Rx. The panel is 1 vertical unit (VU) high rack-mountable device. The outer conductor is permanently tied to the chassis for EU compliance.