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DS0-DP CHANNEL UNIT clei The DS0-DP Channel Unit provides an interface to the 3600/3645 system and central office DSX-0 signals. DDS I/II compatible. Error correction and secondary channel. Data rates of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 and 56 and 64 Kb/s. Requires 36

Product code (SKU):  90-1233-01

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DS0-DP CHANNEL UNIT clei The DS0-DP Channel Unit provides an interface to the 3600/3645 system and central office DSX-0 signals. DDS I/II compatible. Error correction and secondary channel. Data rates of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 and 56 and 64 Kb/s. Requires 3600 equipped with Common Carrier Card (90-1234-01). Supported by Generic 1116.1 or greater. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.

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Please specify your question about DS0-DP CHANNEL UNIT clei The DS0-DP Channel Unit provides an interface to the 3600/3645 system and central office DSX-0 signals. DDS I/II compatible. Error correction and secondary channel. Data rates of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 and 56 and 64 Kb/s. Requires 36 *

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