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7270 T1 4 PORT CFR CARD R4.2 The T1 4 port Channelized Frame Relay card provides 4 DS1 ports. Each port is channelized down to the DS0 rate. Supports up to 2000 frame relay connections per card. Perform frame relay to ATM Network Interworking and Service

Product code (SKU):  90-4454-11

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7270 T1 4 PORT CFR CARD R4.2 The T1 4 port Channelized Frame Relay card provides 4 DS1 ports. Each port is channelized down to the DS0 rate. Supports up to 2000 frame relay connections per card. Perform frame relay to ATM Network Interworking and Service Interworking. This card is delivered with R4.2 software.

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Please specify your question about 7270 T1 4 PORT CFR CARD R4.2 The T1 4 port Channelized Frame Relay card provides 4 DS1 ports. Each port is channelized down to the DS0 rate. Supports up to 2000 frame relay connections per card. Perform frame relay to ATM Network Interworking and Service *

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