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H/S PERIPHERAL SHELF CARD FILE clei Cardfile designed for 19 rack. It is used for high speed interface cards and Dual Fabric Interface Cards (FIC). Each High Speed Peripheral Shelf is functionally divided into four sub-units, each comprised of two full he

Артикул:  90-2291-01

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H/S PERIPHERAL SHELF CARD FILE clei Cardfile designed for 19 rack. It is used for high speed interface cards and Dual Fabric Interface Cards (FIC). Each High Speed Peripheral Shelf is functionally divided into four sub-units, each comprised of two full height interface card slots and two 1/2 height FIC slots. Each sub-unit can support the two interface slots as either independent cards or as a redundant pair, with redundant fabric operation in both cases. Each FIC terminates up to two ISLs and is used to interface to one of the redundant switching fabrics. Two FICs must be installed in each independent sub-unit of the HSPS to provide fabric redundancy. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label. Requires 90-9165-01 for EU EMI Compliance.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно H/S PERIPHERAL SHELF CARD FILE clei Cardfile designed for 19 rack. It is used for high speed interface cards and Dual Fabric Interface Cards (FIC). Each High Speed Peripheral Shelf is functionally divided into four sub-units, each comprised of two full he *

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