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GFC-2 (UK) This General Facilities card allows for order wire access, diagnostics, and alarming. Order wire facility offers A-Law companding, and alarming facility is according to BT TEP-1E. Offers a reduced width faceplate with card extraction levers.

Артикул:  90-0077-04

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GFC-2 (UK) This General Facilities card allows for order wire access, diagnostics, and alarming. Order wire facility offers A-Law companding, and alarming facility is according to BT TEP-1E. Offers a reduced width faceplate with card extraction levers.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно GFC-2 (UK) This General Facilities card allows for order wire access, diagnostics, and alarming. Order wire facility offers A-Law companding, and alarming facility is according to BT TEP-1E. Offers a reduced width faceplate with card extraction levers. *

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