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36SM PASS THROUGH UDP MODULE clei Four port voice distribution module which provides pass through connection from input to output AmpChamp connectors. For use with the 36SM Base Distribution Panel (90-2256-03 or 90-2257-03). Passes termination to the auxi

Артикул:  90-2258-05

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36SM PASS THROUGH UDP MODULE clei Four port voice distribution module which provides pass through connection from input to output AmpChamp connectors. For use with the 36SM Base Distribution Panel (90-2256-03 or 90-2257-03). Passes termination to the auxiliary connection for use with an external punchdown block. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно 36SM PASS THROUGH UDP MODULE clei Four port voice distribution module which provides pass through connection from input to output AmpChamp connectors. For use with the 36SM Base Distribution Panel (90-2256-03 or 90-2257-03). Passes termination to the auxi *

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