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E-3 I/F CARD E118.0 This card supports one E-3 (34Mb/s) interface. It is located in the High Speed Periheral Shelf-2 (90-0652-02). It may be configured in non-redundant and redundant configurations (ie. with another card). Provides electrical (metallic) E

Артикул:  90-1224-13

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E-3 I/F CARD E118.0 This card supports one E-3 (34Mb/s) interface. It is located in the High Speed Periheral Shelf-2 (90-0652-02). It may be configured in non-redundant and redundant configurations (ie. with another card). Provides electrical (metallic) E-3 interface or an optional fibre optic interface using the Fibre Interface Card-2 (90-2866-01). Requires a 3600 Switching Shelf Generic C118.0 equipped with a High Speed Peripheral Shelf-2 (90-0652-02).

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно E-3 I/F CARD E118.0 This card supports one E-3 (34Mb/s) interface. It is located in the High Speed Periheral Shelf-2 (90-0652-02). It may be configured in non-redundant and redundant configurations (ie. with another card). Provides electrical (metallic) E *

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