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800M ISL HUB clei The 7470 800M Hub Card can be used in place of a DHUB card in the Peripheral Shelf Cardfile. The 800M Hub card handles one bi-d irectional 800M ISL link which supports all 12 UCS slots in the shelf. The 800M hub card is suited for use in

Артикул:  90-3162-05

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800M ISL HUB clei The 7470 800M Hub Card can be used in place of a DHUB card in the Peripheral Shelf Cardfile. The 800M Hub card handles one bi-d irectional 800M ISL link which supports all 12 UCS slots in the shelf. The 800M hub card is suited for use in peripheral shelves where the total bandwidth of all interfaces is less than the bandwidth of one ISL. Two 800M Hub Cards are required per peripheral shelf (for fabric reduncancy) in multi-shelf systems. This card is delivered with R4.2 application software. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно 800M ISL HUB clei The 7470 800M Hub Card can be used in place of a DHUB card in the Peripheral Shelf Cardfile. The 800M Hub card handles one bi-d irectional 800M ISL link which supports all 12 UCS slots in the shelf. The 800M hub card is suited for use in *

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