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7270 8 SLOT DC SYSTEM clei The 8 slot DC system is suitable for desktop 19in rackmount o r 23in rackmount. It can be configured for redundant or non-redu ndant control and fabric supporting 7 or 8 universal card slots respectivel y. Each system can suppor

Артикул:  90-4442-02

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7270 8 SLOT DC SYSTEM clei The 8 slot DC system is suitable for desktop 19in rackmount o r 23in rackmount. It can be configured for redundant or non-redu ndant control and fabric supporting 7 or 8 universal card slots respectivel y. Each system can support from 1 to 5 DC power supp lies depending on system configuration and power supply redundan cy requirements. The system comes with a fan unit air filters and blanking panels. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.

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