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7270 HUB CARD - 6 & 8 SLOT SYSTEMS clei The 7270 Hub card is the common equipment card that provides lo cal switching capability. The Hub handles 800M transmit and rece ive non blocking switching. For a non-redundant fabric one Hub card is required. For a

Артикул:  90-4453-03

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7270 HUB CARD - 6 & 8 SLOT SYSTEMS clei The 7270 Hub card is the common equipment card that provides lo cal switching capability. The Hub handles 800M transmit and rece ive non blocking switching. For a non-redundant fabric one Hub card is required. For a redundant fabric two Hub cards are re quired. This version of HUB card can be used interchangeably in both 6 and 8 slot systems. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно 7270 HUB CARD - 6 & 8 SLOT SYSTEMS clei The 7270 Hub card is the common equipment card that provides lo cal switching capability. The Hub handles 800M transmit and rece ive non blocking switching. For a non-redundant fabric one Hub card is required. For a *

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