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INTEG CALLP/PNNI CARD-2 W/ EPM R4.3 clei This card provides the functionality of a R4.3 Control Card, a R4.3 CallP Card-2 and a R4.3 PNNI Card-2, all combined on a single card. One card is required for non-redundant operation, and two cards for redundancy

Артикул:  90-6226-07

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INTEG CALLP/PNNI CARD-2 W/ EPM R4.3 clei This card provides the functionality of a R4.3 Control Card, a R4.3 CallP Card-2 and a R4.3 PNNI Card-2, all combined on a single card. One card is required for non-redundant operation, and two cards for redundancy per 7470 system. This card must be installed in Control Card slots only, and cannot be used in systems that have been configured with CallP-2 Cards or PNNI-2 Routing cards. Node management, alarm, and timing terminations require a control card interconnect panel (CCIP). One CCIP serves both active and redundant integrated control cards. There are two variants of CCIP for US Telco (90-2295-x1) and International (90-2295-x2) requirements. This card is delivered with R4.3 software, and with an enhanced Processor Module (ePM), and with a NAND-based 256MB memory card. Note that previous to this note, all control cards were shipped wih NOR-based memory cards. The software loadset required for this card is documented in Field Notice FN1867. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно INTEG CALLP/PNNI CARD-2 W/ EPM R4.3 clei This card provides the functionality of a R4.3 Control Card, a R4.3 CallP Card-2 and a R4.3 PNNI Card-2, all combined on a single card. One card is required for non-redundant operation, and two cards for redundancy *

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