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7270 PSI 16 PORT FR CARD R4.3 This card provides High Speed Frame Relay processing. Provides ATM to FR Service Interworking and Network Interworking. Can also operate in HDLC frame forwarding mode for transparent transport of HDLC-based protocols such as

Артикул:  90-6828-11

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7270 PSI 16 PORT FR CARD R4.3 This card provides High Speed Frame Relay processing. Provides ATM to FR Service Interworking and Network Interworking. Can also operate in HDLC frame forwarding mode for transparent transport of HDLC-based protocols such as X.25, SNA and PPP across the ATM network. Supports Test Access Connection (TAC) for VBR and Closed Loop Congestion Control. This card is delivered with R4.3 software.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно 7270 PSI 16 PORT FR CARD R4.3 This card provides High Speed Frame Relay processing. Provides ATM to FR Service Interworking and Network Interworking. Can also operate in HDLC frame forwarding mode for transparent transport of HDLC-based protocols such as *

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