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FRE R4.3 clei FRE R4.3 FRE card with Release 4.3 frame relay software, which includes the DLCI multiplexing features. This card requires software generic P414-XX-XX. For software upgrades, order 90-7609-03 FRE S/W DNLOAD KEY P414-H3.
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FRE R4.3 GENERIC P414 S/W UPG KIT This kit upgrades existing Frame Relay Engine Cards to Release 4.3 functionality. Includes 3.5 diskettes.
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FRE S/W DNLOAD KEY P414-H3 3600 FRE Release 4.3 software download key for FRE cards 90-1638-28 and lower with software generics P41X-XX-XX. For FRE card 90-1638-30, order 90-7609-04 FRE S/W DNLOAD KEY P424-H3.
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FRONT COVER 19 SHELF A front cover assembly for the 19 36LG shelf that is required for EMC compliance when high power cards (ie PE, FRE, DSP5) are used in a card shelf (90-0010-10, 90-0010-13, 90-0010-14).
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FRS 1MB FLASH W/SRIM An integral frame relay switch that plugs into any universal card slot on the 3600 or 3600+ Mainstreet. A total of 1.92 Mbps of bandwidth is available between the card and the switching matrix which can be subdivided into up to 30 channels. The Subrate Interface Module (90-2099-01) is included and supports subrate speeds that are not multiples of 8 kb/s and also supports X.50 BIS @ 48 k/bs, X.50 DIV 2,3 and 5, HCM and DDS.
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FRS R4 S/W UPG KIT This Kit upgrades FRS Dual 1Mb Flash Cards (90-1459-04) and FRS Dual 1Mb Flash Cards (EMC) (90-1459-03) to support the latest Release 4.0 functionality for HDLC & X.25 encapsulation and frame relay services. Minimum flash memory requirements for the FRS card to support this upgrade kit is 1 MEG. Includes 3.5 diskette.
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FXO (LGE) (6) 900C (0-7/1-14)U This card consists of six loop or ground start exchange circuits designed to interface to central office subscriber trunks or PBX lines. Compatible with FXO circuits and Mu-law voice companding. All ows for a transmit gain range of 0.5 to -7 dBm and a receive gain range of 1 to 14.5 dBm selectable in 1/2 dB steps. Voice encoding is Mu-law and input impedance is 900 ohms + 2.16uF. BC-Tel special design.
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FXO (LGE) (6) PROG (3-4/2-13)A This card consists of six loop or ground start exchange circuits designed to interface to central office subscriber trunks or PBX lines. Compatible with FXO circuits and A-law voice companding. Provides for gain selection in 1/2 dB steps and software selectable interface impedances of complex or 600.5 when used in generic 1113 or greater.
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FXO (LGE) CHANNEL UNIT-2 clei The LGE Channel Unit provides an interface to the 3600/45 system and the Central Office end of 2-wire special service circuits. Provides FXS, DPO and GT functionality. Attenuation range in 0.1 dB steps. TX TLP levels of 0 to -12 dB and RX TLP levels of +6 to -10 dB. Requires 3600 equipped with common carrier card (90-1234-01). Identical to 90-1229-01 but tailored for Canadian Telco applications.
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FXO (LGE) Module (A LAW) Single FXO (LGE) module for general applications interfacing to European and International voice terminal equipment with TLP's for receive and transmit of 0 to -7 DB.
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FXO (LGE) MODULE (A-LAW) Single FXO (LGE) module for general applications interfacing to European and International voice terminal equipment with TLP's for receive and transmit of 0 to -7 DB.
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FXS (LGS) (12) 600 (4-3/1-6)A This card consists of 12 individual Loop Start, Ground Start or Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) circuits designed to interface with PBX trunk ccts or standard telephones. FXS, DPO, and MFO signalling is supported. Provides A law companding on all circuits for the UK and international m arkets. Transmit gain range is 4 to -3 dBm and receive gain range is 1 to -6 dBm. Designed for International Markets with 600.5 resistive interface.
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FXS (LGS) (12) 600C (4-3/1-6)U This card consists of 12 individual Loop Start, Ground Start or Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) circuits designed to interface with PBX trunk ccts or standard telephones. FXS, DPO, and MFO signalling is supported. Provides A law companding on all circuits for the UK and international m arkets. Transmit gain range is 4 to -3 dBm and receive gain range is 1 to -6 dBm. Provides for Mu Law voice companding. Designed for the North American market requirements.
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FXS (LGS) (12) ZCO (4-3/1-6)A This card consists of 12 individual Loop Start, Ground Start or Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) circuits designed to interface with PBX trunk ccts or standard telephones. FXS, DPO, and MFO signalling is supported. Provides A law companding on all circuits for the UK and international m arkets. Transmit gain range is 4 to -3 dBm and receive gain range is 1 to -6 dBm.
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FXS (LGS) (6) 900C (0-7/0-7)U This card consists of 6 individual Loop Start, Ground Start or Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) circuits designed to interface with PBX trunk ccts or standard telephones. FXS, DPO, and MFO signaling is supported. Provides Mu-law companding on all circuits for the North American market. Allows for transmit and receive gain ranges of 0 to -7 dBm. The input impedance presented is 900 ohms + 2.16uF. BC-Tel special design.
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FXS (LGS) CHANNEL UNIT-2 clei The LGS Channel Unit provides an interface of 600 or 900 ohms to the 3600/45 system and the station end of 2-wire special service circuits. Provides FXS, DPO and GT functionality. Attenuation range in 0.1 dB steps. TX TLP levels of 0 to -12 dB and RX TLP levels of +6 to -10 d_B. Requires 3600 equipped with common carrier card (90-1234-01). This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.
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FXS (LGS) MODULE (+4/-10DB) clei Single FXS (LGS) module for termination of North American public network services such as UltraWATS, SDN, Megacom and VPN series offering TLP's of -3 to -10DB for receive and +4 to -3DB for transmit. Module operates as FXS or PLAR circuit. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.
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GENERAL FACILITY CARD GFC-2 MULAW AM-2 Identical to 90-0078-04, but with enhanced alarm I/O capabilities (Alarm Module 2).
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GENERAL FACILITY CARD GFC-2 NA This General Facilities card supports the same functionality as 90-0078-03 but offers a reduced width faceplate with card extraction levers. This assembly contains a Telcordia CLEI (Common Language Equipment Identifier) label.
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GENERAL FACILITY CARD GFC-2 This General Facilities card allows for order wire access, diagnostics, and alarming. Order wire facility offers A-Law companding, and alarming facility is according to BT TEP-1E. Offers a reduced width faceplate with card extraction levers.
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