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V.35 PRI CARD This card presents a 30 channel, V.35 interface. Allows for faceplate (DB-25) or backplane (50 pin Champ) access. Configured as a Data Termination Unit (DTE). Supported bit rates are from 64 Kbps to 1920 Kbps. This card is supported by Gener

Артикул:  90-0669-01

Доступно под заказ
V.35 PRI CARD This card presents a 30 channel, V.35 interface. Allows for faceplate (DB-25) or backplane (50 pin Champ) access. Configured as a Data Termination Unit (DTE). Supported bit rates are from 64 Kbps to 1920 Kbps. This card is supported by Generic 1113 or greater, and also offers reduced framing overhead allowing for additional HCM data. For use with V.35 DB25M-M34M DCE Cables (90-0360-0X).

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно V.35 PRI CARD This card presents a 30 channel, V.35 interface. Allows for faceplate (DB-25) or backplane (50 pin Champ) access. Configured as a Data Termination Unit (DTE). Supported bit rates are from 64 Kbps to 1920 Kbps. This card is supported by Gener *

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