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64 KB CO-DIR DCC AIS This circuit card consists of 4 circuits which comply to the CCITT G.703 standard at a bit rate of 64 kb/s. E1 signalling is also supported by this card as well as the AIS capability by Generic 1115 or greater.

Артикул:  90-0470-04

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64 KB CO-DIR DCC AIS This circuit card consists of 4 circuits which comply to the CCITT G.703 standard at a bit rate of 64 kb/s. E1 signalling is also supported by this card as well as the AIS capability by Generic 1115 or greater.

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Пожалуйста, сформулируйте Ваши вопросы относительно 64 KB CO-DIR DCC AIS This circuit card consists of 4 circuits which comply to the CCITT G.703 standard at a bit rate of 64 kb/s. E1 signalling is also supported by this card as well as the AIS capability by Generic 1115 or greater. *

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